HomeVeterinary CareWashingtonGig HarborPuget Sound Veterinary Specialty & Emergency

Puget Sound Veterinary Specialty & Emergency

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4.2 (133 reviews)

Contact Information

Address: 6565 Kimball Dr, Gig Harbor, WA 98335, USA

Phone: (253) 400-5052

Website: Visit Website

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mobile pet vet



Good morning everyone, (Sorry for the long review but it is absolutely necessary). Last week my daughter and I had an emergency with our cat which prompted us to come to this place. For the last year or so our cat had been having occasional bouts of weakness and poor eating and our regular Vet. said she could be having some kidney issues because she was an older cat, (17). (After 6 or so years at our regular Vet, (Harbor animal hospital) they refused to see our cat this day or the following day because they were too busy to fit her into their schedule so they pushed us somewhere else!) This really pissed us off! However, with this place you have to make an "Online appointment" and they'll give you a time to show up. Unless I suppose it's a dire need then I'd just show up! So we showed up at our scheduled time but they were busy with other animals so we had to wait about 30 minutes in the lobby. Finally, someone came up to us got our cats pertinent info. And took her in the back to get vitals etc...Not knowing this was going to be her last day of life :( A bit later they took us back we met the female Veterinarian who was very pleasant, courteous and told us that our cat was indeed very sick and appeared to be dying. She wanted to do a blood test to check for liver function etc. (which we agreed to) and a short time later she gave us the sad news that her kidneys were failing and wanted to show us the actual test measurements but I'm not a Vet and do not know what the numbers mean so she explained the results to us. She explained that it would probably cost thousands of dollars to keep her alive and would take several days in the hospital so it might be best for us to euthanize our cat. We asked the vet to leave so we could decide and both of us started crying! I remember the day we got her, she was only eight weeks old-now it's 17 years later and we're having to make the decision to end her life. It was a Sad Crushing blow! They were going to bring our cat out to us so we could spend some last minute time with her but in the meantime they moved us to a different room called a, ("Comfort room.) the nurse brought her to us lightly wrapped in a towel with a IV stent in her arm where they would inject the final shot. I could see see was a bit out of it, not meowing at all my daughter and I sat there, crying taking turns holding her, talking to her and trying to comfort her. Suddenly, there's a knock at the door and the front secretary girl comes in and starts telling us how do we want her ashes, (in a box it's X amount of dollars or this way it's X amount your bill is either $800 or $1000 meanwhile we're Still holding our cat- she is Not dead yet we're trying to spend the last few Valuable moments with our poor cat So this Really Irked us. Once this girl left, the Vet returned we talked a bit, she gave her the two shots and We asked her to leave. It was absolutely Crushing to hold our cat while she died but We made sure that she Knew she was loved to the Very end!!! Overall, the Veterinarian saved this visit! They need to absolutely work on a different plan for when a family goes into the "Comfort room" and a pet is going to be put to sleep that's it's actually a Comforting experience. I'd start off by not having the front secretary girl do the last paperwork! This is the sad reality of owning pets! They never live as long as us and it is inevitable that at some point you will all have to make a similar end of life decision for your pet. I still would recommend this emergency Veterinarian hospital. It is not the Vets fault that the end portion of our stay was tarnished. James...

Melissa Blodgett12/13/2024

Dr. Lindsey and her team are absolutely wonderful! Truly the best veterinary experience we’ve ever had. My dog went in for a dental procedure and I was kept in the loop the entire time. Received a call while he was under anesthesia with his exam findings and a treatment plan, and then another call once he was awake and doing well. It all really helped to ease my anxiety. They absolutely focus on patient care and ensure your pet is their number one priority. Highly recommend Dr. Lindsey and her team for your pet’s dental needs!

Stacy Ostlund12/29/2024

DO NOT GO HERE. This is a place that uses scare tactics to squeeze you of all they can. I brought my 1yr old pup in because he ate some clothes over the weekend that we thought he puked up already. The next day I took him to the first vet hospital that could get me in which was PSVS&E. The triage nurse came to check on my puppy within 10 minutes of arrival. The first red flag was before even doing any exam, the nurse immediately made reference to my dog needing surgery. We came in see if there was something they could give our pup for his stomach to make him more comfortable until we get him into our vet the next day. I was told “absolutely not” and instead they took my dog to the back and I was left in the lobby for about 40minutes. I thought they were treating him but apparently not because they brought him back out and said it would be about 40 more mins until the doctor could see him. Finally they bring my dog to a kennel and me to a separate room. After about 3 minutes, the same nurse comes to my room and immediately asks if I am ready to begin surgery prep and do Xrays on my dog. At this point I have no idea if the Dr. has done an exam or what the findings were. I was immediately met with attitude from the nurse and given a side eye as I requested to speak with the Vet directly. I dont remember the nurse’s name but she was a younger petite brunette who claimed she also worked at a Bellevue vet hospital. She was absolutely horrible. Finally, Dr. Anne-Marie Lewis came to talk with me and immediately says “so I heard you have questions?”. I was in complete shock because neither Dr. or nurse filled me in on how my dog’s exam went and gave no indication of checking his vitals, weight, etc. Instead the Dr. looked at me like I was crazy for wanting to know how my dog’s initial exam went. It was an extremely uncomfortable 5 minute of me asking the doctor questions and having a hard time getting any clarity of how my dog’s exam went. The nurse then came back and proceeded to guilt trip me into doing $800 xrays to see what may be going on inside my pup. She said things like “I am being adamant about this because I am looking out for your dog’s best interest. I know you are as well, but your dog cant speak for himself and we are really worried about him. We need to do surgery within 12 hours or your dog may not live.” The nurse and Dr immediately saw my dog and myself as a candidate to take advantage of through scare tactics. I ended up begrudgingly doing the xray after hearing the doctor and nurse talk down to me even after telling them we were planning to take him to our regular vet tomorrow morning. After the xrays, they proceeded to tell me that my dog has 12 hours to live and if I don’t proceed with an emergency $10,000 surgery, he will die. I was in shock. Dr. Anne-Marie Lewis and her nurse had zero empathy, compassion or even awareness of the gravity of their words. They claimed their only concern was my dog and this is what needed to be done. They made me feel like I was a horrible person for even having to consider. Mind you, this was over the course of over an hour. With my dog in a kennel in another room away from me. They kept me in the back room alone for 40 mins to stew with their words. Finally, I listened to my gut and got the hell out of there. I told them I needed a second opinion before signing documents that I was going against their medical advice and releasing them fully from liability. I immediately took my dog to another vet hospital to check his vitals to ensure he would make it through the night. This place never even checked my dogs vitals, weight or bloodwork. I was mindblown at their lack of professionalism. My dog’s vitals were fine and we were assured he would survive through the night. The next morning we ended up going to Pinehurst Vet hospital in Olympia who treated my dog on Christmas eve with a surgery that ended up costing us only $3,000. They were kind, caring and worked with us every step of the way. I could go on for hours about why you should avoid this place at all costs!

Kierston Lynn11/24/2024

First of all I want to say this is one of the absolute best veterinarian interactions I have ever had. Beginning to end- All of our Vet ER’s were at capacity or closed in Olympia and we ended up in Gig Harbor almost an hour away. Of course I was a little annoyed because my 18 year old dog was in pain and we had to drive an hour, but the kind soul on the other side of the phone was reassuring and loving. She let us know we could stay at home and she would send a message when she was ready for us to leave our house. That’s a great plan, and really kept everyone more comfortable. We got into the vet once we were called and were greeted by the front desk and she was so lovely. Her dog, Lola (the best baby) was even more adorable. Thanks for letting us pet her and love on her. Then out comes Melody. This woman. She is such a beautiful soul. She loved on our sweet Kia bear. She listened, is empathetic, and is a person who truly loves her job. Melody, thank you for showing up. Thank you for being such an amazing human being. Thank you validating our concerns, fears. Hearing us. You are in the right field, and you touched our lives in a way you won’t ever know. Now to the real meat-Dr. Cameron Smithee-This man is an absolute legend of a DVM. I could sing his praises for literal years. Kia like I said earlier is 18 years old, she has presented with chronic pancreatitis her entire life. Lately it’s just been worse. We haven’t been able to control it with normal measures. We talked to Dr. Smithee about her previous lab values over the course of her life. How her kidney values have always just been out of range, how she has intermittent chronic pancreatitis, how she has crazy increased thirst. He highly suspects she had addison’s. Are you freaking kidding me. The thing that has been plaguing my dog for 14 years, and at an emergency veterinarian this man diagnoses (well still needs to be confirmed but highly suspects) she has an adrenal disease and this could alter her life, and change it for the better until she truly is ready to go. Dr. Smithee-you will never know how much that changed our lives, I will sing your praises until the end of my days. I will tell the story of this great Vet ER Doctor in Gig Harbor. You could have possibly given us our Kia back. We thought we might be at the end, but you gave us hope and that’s a gift. You are an absolute gift to this world. Thank you seems like such a pitiful word, but it’s all I have for now. You make such a difference, and you made such a difference in Kia’s life. You heard us. You listened, you pieced this puzzle together. I’m still in awe. We are all resting peacefully at home this morning because of this great team, and I hope this team reads this message on hard days. You are worth it. Keep going, because we see you. ♥️

Amy Lineaweaver11/5/2024

I took my friend, Bowie, in for one health concern only to learn very quickly that he was, in fact, hemorrhaging due to ruptured splenic metastases. The manner in which this was quickly, clearly, and gently communicated was unreal. The entire staff was incredible and kind, and helped my last minutes with Bowie were as gentle as he deserved. It’s never a good thing to have to need an emergency vet. But they were absolutely top notch in terms of care for all.